What does Christmas mean to a Christian?

David Gamba, @gambaeng
version 0.1, 2021-12-20 #Christianity

For those who want to know what Christmas means to a Christian, this is a little summary I put together:

In Christianity, the one true God created man in his image. Man sinned and his sin broke his communion with God. From then on, a sacrifice needed to be made to pay for one’s sin.

Every descendant of man needed to make sacrifices because we aren’t measured based on how good you think you are but based on a perfect God’s law, so perfection is the passing bar and obviously no one does pass.

From the beginning, the punishment for sin has been death and from the beginning a sacrificial animal has been offered in behalf of the sinner. That sacrifice however, was temporary and new sacrifices needed to be offered in a regular basis.

However the day man sinned, God gave him a promise for a messiah and later a clear sign of when it would happen:

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel (God with us).

While still a virgin Mary gave birth to that son and her son was to be her own savior.

In Christmas, we celebrate that almighty God humbled himself out of love for us, and took human form. A palace birth would have been lowly enough but to drive the point home He chose a manger.

The birth of Jesus is the celebration of the hope that a Savior has been born to save even the least of us. Not because we deserve it or earned it but because He loved us so.

In Easter we celebrate the completion of the work of the Savior where the only perfect life paid once and for all for the sin of all of us who believe in Him.

In Jesus' work, communion with God has been restored.

Merry Christmas!